RAN Heritage Center

"The Royal Australian Navy invites you, your family and friends to visit the RAN Heritage Centre at Garden Island Sydney. Explore and experience the story of Australia’s Navy from colonial times to the present day within the beautiful and historic northern precinct of Garden Island." 

The "Royal Australian Navy Heritage Centre", located at Garden Island in Sydney, exhibits the physical history of Australia's Navy. A range from large weapon systems to personal memorabilia, representing the developments and events in the Navy from over more than 100 years, are displayed.

There you can view the conning tower of one of the Japanese midget submarines that attacked Sydney Harbour in World War II, watch the battle unfold on interactive A/V or get a submariner’s view of Sydney Harbour through the only fully operational attack periscope available for public use in Australia and many more things!

The museum also offers a online guided tour, which provides an overview of the centre and the exhibitions:



 Visit the Homepage to find more information: http://www.navy.gov.au/Ranhc

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